Steve trained as an Actor at the Drama Centre. The Drama Centre was characterised by a high level of integration across all disciplines. Training at the Centre reflected both the Russian and American methodologies of Theatre, and included the The Stanislavski Method. He was exposed to German Expressionism and the legacy of Rudolf Laban, which had a profound impact on his development as an Artist.
He was privileged to know and to have been trained by the late Yat Malmgren, one of the great solo artists of European modern dance, and the creator of the ‘Laban-Malmgren System of Character Analysis’. His unique contribution led to a strong appreciation and understanding of the psychology of movement, drawing on the work of Rudolf Laban, the visionary innovator of choreography and movement theory.
Training at the Drama Centre also laid emphasis on improvisation, influenced by the great originals such as Joan Littlewood and later Mike Leigh. The Drama Centre’s use of improvisation adopted a varied and intensive approach that fused the contributions of the modern masters, Vakhtangov, Brech and Grotovsky. Its focus was a deep exploration of character, story, and dramatic relationships through improvisation.
The Drama Centre sought above all to establish its students’ individuality, technical skills and professional outlook to the point that they became independent artists. Through his training there he became committed to the management of his creativity, supported by a patient but solid enquiry into acting, directing and dramatic writing.
The Drama Centre has had a profound effect on his outlook on art and life.
He had the rewarding and invaluable experience of observing Chilean Actors working in Oslo. Their production of ‘Diary of a Madman’ by Gogol, reflected the last days of Allende’s Chile.
He played Wayne Johnson in this 26-part television series written by Meic Povey. He had the privilege of working alongside Emrys James, Richard Davies, Rhoda Lewis, Sue Johnstone Davies and the inimitable Dewi Puss and being directed by Allan Clayton and Sion Humphries. His time on Taff Acre gave him an intensive experience of acting for the screen. Other television credits include Frank Vickery’s See You Tomorrow, A Mind to Kill, Irene’s Madness, and Ten. He appeared in a long-running series of adverts for Leekes Department Store, and has worked as a voice over artist.
He performed in an acclaimed production of ‘The Dumb Waiter’ by Pinter, and ‘Ruffian on the Stair’ by Joe Orton. Both productions were directed by Ian Forrest.
He worked under the direction of Jim Hiley on the production ‘Whistling at Milestones’ by Alex Glasgow. It had an experienced cast, including Kevin Whatley. After a six month tour of England it went on to win a Fringe First at Edinburgh for ‘Best Production’.
He has worked as an actor with numerous other Theatre companies, including Theatre Clwyd, Theatre Centre, Theatro Technis, Theatr Powys, The Bite, Counteract, Plus Two Theatre, Stage 77, Scottish Children’s Theatre, Made In Wales, Welsh Drama Company, Soho Theatre, The Firm, Moving Parts, Spectacle Theatre and Centre for Performance Research.